Sejarah singkat mengenai kaca
Sejarah singkat mengenai kaca. ilustrasi Orang-orang zaman batu mengenal kaca pertama kali digunakan untuk membuat senjata tanpa proses sebelumnya melainkan secara alami mereka menggunakan langsung untuk senjata.Sedangkan kaca yang digunakan untuk membuat benda dekorasi adalah kaca obsidian atau kaca vulkanik hitam.Kaca buatan manusia diketahui berasal dari sekitar 3500 tahun SM. Ternyata kaca sudah begitu lama di temukan dan digunakan manusia untuk kebutuhan hidup sehari hari.Kaca tersebut ditemukan di Mesir dan Mesopotamia Timur.Sekitar abad ke-1 SM pemrosesan kaca melalui glassblowing atau istilah dalam bangsa indonesia adalah kaca tiup ,Sungguh ini merupakan penemuan dan terobosan besar dalam pembuatan kaca.Fragmen vas kaca tertua ditemukan di Mesopotamia pada abad ke-16 SM dan mewakili bukti asal-usul industri kaca berlubang. Selain Mesopotamia, produksi kaca berongga juga berkembang pada waktu yang sama di Mesir, di Mycenae (Yunani), Cina dan Tyrol Utara.Pembuatan kaca manual pertama dari perpustakaan raja Asyur Ashurbanipal (669-626 SM) berasal dari sekitar tahun 650 SM.membuat senjata dan .benda benda dekoratife.Seiring perkembangan zaman, Kaca terus mengalami perkembangan secara pesat baik dari segi kegunaan, pemrosesan dan penciptaan benda berbahan baku kaca.Berbicara kaca di nusantara , Kerajaan kerajaan yang ada di nusantara sudah menggunakan kaca sebagai pengisi hiasan istana seperti : Cermin, pernik pelengkap pakaian dan mahkota para bangsawan, isian pintu dan almari serta masih banyak lagi. Cermin Pinglon adalah sebuah kaca yang sudah ada pada masa kerajaan Majapahit. Cermin ini tersimpan di Museum Trowulan di Jawa Timur.Diera modern seperti saat ini sudah ribuan koleksi produk dekoratif dengan beraneka design dan dari berbagai penjuru di dunia.Hampir kehidupan manusia tidak bisa dilepaskan dari kaca.Coba kita tengok!motor/mobil perlu kaca jendela dan spion, berdandan perlu kaca, rumah perlu kaca, dan masih banyak lagi. ...
How to run your business
How to run your business Some things that maybe we can take into consideration when we want to take a step to run a business. Of course this is very important so that the business can run directed and do not experience losses even permanently closed. 1.Get to know your product in detail first. Whether services, goods, written works, sounds, or even forms of movement. How high is the quality of your product in terms of design, durability, or product quality perfect and useful for everyone. 2.Person Building. Also recognize employee abilities.Skills and expertise as appropriate to the process in the business. this is to support product quality and a more solid business process. Conduct training and training if necessary to form person building the strong one. 3. Mastering the local market area. Conducting business analysis which of course starts from local areas, can be cities, provinces, island, one country (domestic).There are several things that need to be done in market analysis: a.Segments and target market. our products can be shot based on usability, age of people, environment,purchasing power,weather seasons, moments and trends. b. Market research. Survey by numbers or reality market is very important, so value the percentage of product delivery can be assessed as close to objective.Do some research in different days, moments or locations so the result research is unlikely to be of value chance. c. business intelligence. Monitoring all existing opportunities, as well as monitoring existing competitors. So that our products or efforts will be motivated more and more.competitors are not competitors but fertilize us to become more perfect. d. Business Strategy. This step is final before we take action in running the business, with step the previous step of course we believe our efforts will be directed and anticipated.All businesses need time to grow so continue to analyze and innovate. 4. Expanding and controlling the market area. In this case there are 2 things, namely: a.Adding a branch company, namely establishing another company outside the market area (can be outside the city, outside the provinceor overseas) with the aim of a larger market coverage b. Widen the market area with a wider scale.All steps to widen the market area must continue to take steps points 1 to...
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